Pathway to Financial Success

Find tools to teach your students key financial success skills, including lessons, educator guides, and videos.

Take hold of your financial future. Get the skills you need to set and reach your goals with our videos and interactive modules.

Community Resources
Use our resources to show your children how to make good financial decisions with these money management basics.
About the Program
Empower middle and high school students to take control of their financial futures. Educators can help students and their families explore comprehensive financial literacy resources to gain the tools and skills they need to make sound financial decisions and achieve their personal goals.
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Discover and Discovery Education
New Resources

Elementary School Resources
Elementary school students are given a leg up on financial literacy with Pathway to Financial Success resources specifically designed with younger kids in mind.

Spanish Translation
Los estudiantes de escuela primaria reciben una ventaja en educación financiera con recursos de Pathway to Financial Success diseñados específicamente para los niños más pequeños.

DE Docs: Money Mastery
Empower students to feel prepared to make smart financial choices now and in the future! DE Docs: Money Mastery will provide students with the foundation they’ll need to think critically about earning, spending, saving, as well as other money matters.